of Wakoku really want right? Let’s share.”
“Stupid, that’s exactly why.
That’s why we can sell it for more.
Supply and demand, it’s the common sense for a merchant.
I’ll add to your debt if I get a loss due to your careless remarks.
Be prepared to pay a hundred gold a month until you die if you say anything… yeah?”
“Uuu, the heck man… why’s my weakness (money) being seized even though I’m a Hero… but then, Kehma-san, where did you get the rice?”
“You think I’d tell you with that loose mouth of yours? Hmm?”
“Yeah, I understand.
I’ll keep quiet.”

I returned to my seat after finishing my talk with Wataru.
Sitting here with him was the right choice after all.

“… Even if you’re looking for rice, I can’t help at all.
Maaan, sorry about that.”
“Village Chief-san? Just what did you…”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Now, didn’t you have something you wanted to ask the Hero? Go ahead and ask.”
“Ummm, well, excuse my discourtesy, but please take a look at this.”

With a clank, Nayuta put her handmade revolver on the table.
I guess she didn’t want to seem threatening like how it was against me since she knew he was a Japanese?

“Nn? It looks like a gun… but what is this?”
“I’m trying to reproduce a weapon from the world of heroes.
I’d like to get your opinion on it.”

“… I see, so you’re trying to reproduce guns.
What for?”
“My hobby!”
“Your hobby…”

Her hobby was a troublesome answer.
So I decided to interrupt.

“By the way, Wataru.
Concerning the gun, it appears that the only information written about them is their appearance and that they propel bullets through explosions.
It seems that the means of the explosion itself isn’t understood… I wonder why the Hero from that time decided to leave out the rest of the data?”
“… Ah—right, he was concerned about the existence of guns destroying the culture, so he only left information about how to defend against them without being able to make them…!? Kuh, then considering that, I… can’t say anything further concerning guns! Sorry, Nayuta-san…”
“Ah, no, umm… yeah, oi, Village Chief-san? Could you please leave if you’re just going to get in the way?”

This blonde dog eared girl just called me a hindrance.

“I’m doing the introducing, what would you do if I weren’t here?”
“I’d be getting information from him now wouldn’t I!?”
“Wataru, could you use the backyard to have that mock fight with Setsuna?”
“Hero-san, let’s fight! Fight!”

When I brought up the matter of having that mock fight against Wataru as I ignored Nayuta, Setsuna took the bait as planned.

It’s fine with me.
I mean, I wasn’t able to give much helpful information after all.”

Wataru answered while looking at Setsuna’s swaying breasts.
But that girl, she doesn’t just have a top part.
She has a bottom thing too.
I didn’t say it though.

“… You look like you’re enjoying yourself, huh~?”

Nerune violently put her wooden cup down on the table.
A little of the water in it spilled onto the table… come to think of it, today was Nerune’s waitress shift, wasn’t it?

“Eh, ah, no! You’re wrong, Nerune-san!”
“Wrong about what~? Fufufu~, you don’t need to worry about me though~?”
“Are you mad? You’re mad at me aren’t you!”
“Hero-sama~, do you like them big~?”
“No, that’s not it—”

… Huh? Nerune’s reacting like she’s jealous over something.
When did you guys get into that kind of a relationship?
Nerune diverted her eyes for a moment.
Following her gaze, Rei was over there with her thumb up in the air with a triumphant look.
So that was it? Her slamming the cup on the table a second ago was at Rei’s suggestion.
A performance.

“Oi, Wataru.
Even though you confessed to Rokuko, now you’re making a move on our young miss? That’s some nerve you have there, oi.”
“Eh, no, I was just a bit excited by our magic discussion, I’m not guilty of anything yet—”
“… Yet? Then you were planning on doing something in the future…? Guest-saaan? That’s troubling, we aren’t that kind of inn though?”
“T-t-t-t-that’s not what I meant! I’ve just been talking about magic with Nerune-san—!”
“Yeah, it’s nothing~.
I’m only interested in the magic Hero-sama knows~.
No more, no less~”

Ah, Nerune’s true intentions.
I can vaguely see them as the Dungeon Master, but that’s her honest intentions.
This girl is seriously only interested in magic.
She’s not a monster called Apprentice Witch for nothing.

And so after various things, it was decided that he would bring her some magic scrolls next time as a present.
Well done.
I held my thumb up towards Rei in praise.



Ginjo-shu (吟醸酒) (at least 40% of rice polished away; with or without alcohol added; if bottle is labeled Ginjo, it means distilled alcohol was added; if labeled Junmai Ginjo, it means no alcohol added).
Shōchū (焼酎?) is a Japanese distilled beverage less than 45% alcohol by volume.
Shochuu is not a sake.
Ginjo is. Return Note that Ishidaka was summoned a long while before Wataru.
Also note that I have absolutely no idea how Kehma’s question would point to the world’s time flow at all.
It seems so far out of left field to me.
Sorry. Return

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